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Overriding "Edited" in window title for NSDocument

How do I prevent a window title from displaying "Edited" for an NSDocument which is dirty?

I'm managing saving and autosaving myself, using a web service, and just don't want the distraction in the title bar.

I've tried overriding:

  • NSDocument's -isDocumentEdited and -hasUnautosavedChanges always to return NO.
  • -[NSWindowController setDocumentEdited] to do nothing, or always to use NO regardless of the parameter's actual value.
  • -[NSWindowController synchronizeWindowTitleWithDocumentName] to do nothing.
  • -[NSWindow setDocumentEdited] to do nothing, or always to use NO regardless of the parameter's actual value.

In all cases, the title bar still changes to Edited when I make changes to a saved document.

If I override -[NSDocument updateChangeCount:] and -[NSDocument updateChangeCountWithToken:forSaveOperation:] to do nothing, I can prevent this from happening, but it affects saving, autosaving, and other document behaviors, too.

I also tried this:

[[self.window standardWindowButton: NSWindowDocumentVersionsButton] setTitle:nil];

That displayed a blank string instead of Edited, but the dash still appeared – the one which normally separates the document name and Edited.

Any idea how to pry apart this part of the window from the document?

like image 947
paulmelnikow Avatar asked Apr 27 '12 02:04


1 Answers

Several options:

  1. To get a pointer to the "dash", look for a TextField in [window.contentView.superview.subviews] with a stringValue equals to "-". You can set its text to an empty string as well.

    @implementation NSWindow (DashRetrivalMethod)
    - (NSTextField*)versionsDashTextField
        NSTextField* res = nil;
        NSView* themeFrame = [self.contentView superview];
        for (NSView* tmp in [themeFrame subviews])
            if ([tmp isKindOfClass:[NSTextField class]])
                if ([[(NSTextField*)tmp stringValue] isEqualToString:@"—"])
                      res = (NSTextField*)tmp;
        return res;
  2. You can override NSWindow's -setRepresentedURL:. This would also affect the NSWindowDocumentIconButton and the popup menu, but you can manually create it if you want by: [NSWindow standardWindowButton: NSWindowDocumentIconButton].

  3. Override one of these three NSDocument's undocumented methods:

    // Always return here NO if you don't want the version button to appear. 
    // This seems to be the cleanest options, besides the fact that you are 
    /// overriding a private method.
    - (BOOL)_shouldShowAutosaveButtonForWindow:(NSWindow*)window;
    // Call super with NO
    - (void)_setShowAutosaveButton:(BOOL)flag; 
    // Here the button and the dash are actually created
    - (void)_endVersionsButtonUpdates; 
    // Here Cocoa hide or unhide the edited button
    - (void)_updateDocumentEditedAndAnimate:(BOOL)flag
like image 50
Yoav Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 13:09
