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New posts in nsurlconnection

Clear NSURLConnection cache

NSURLConnection vs. NSData + GCD

NSURLConnection methods no more available in IOS5

nsurlconnection ios5

NSMutableURLRequest not obeying my timeoutInterval

How can I get NSURLResponse body?

NSURLSession + server with self signed cert

NSMutableURLRequest timeout interval not taken into consideration for POST requests

Reading data from response header of NSURLConnection

iOS: How can i receive HTTP 401 instead of -1012 NSURLErrorUserCancelledAuthentication

NSURLConnection and grand central dispatch

SSL Error in Connection to Server through iPhone

How to use iOS Reachability

Asynchronous request to the server from background thread

NSURLConnection/NSURLRequest gzip support

What does NSURLConnection's error code "-1009" mean?

How to handle "CFNetwork SSLHandshake failed" in iOS

NSURLConnection sendAsynchronousRequest:queue:completionHandler: making multiple requests in a row?

Changing the userAgent of NSURLConnection

NSURLConnection delegate methods are not called

NSURLConnection Using iOS Swift