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New posts in nsnotifications

NSWindow is not receiving any notification when it loses focus

Performance speed of KVO and NSNotifications?

Error with notification names while converting code to Swift 4.2

NotificationCenter Crash in Swift 3

NSNotification vs. dispatch_get_main_queue

keyboardWillShow called twice

Pass object with NSNotificationCenter to other view

is it possible to pass array as obj via nsnotification

iphone ios nsnotifications

NSNotification being raised multiple times

application:didFinishLaunchingWithOptions: firing notification before destination controller is created

How can I get notified of a system time change in my Cocoa application?

cocoa nsnotifications

is it ok to use of a notification to communication back to the main thread of an IOS app? (cf performSelectorOnMainThread)

Why doesn't Remove Observer from NSNotificationCenter:addObserverForName:usingBlock get called

Best way to update badgeValue of UITabBarController from a UIView

How to find out what UITextField caused a UIKeyboardWillShowNotification?

UIKeyboard will change frame with interactive keyboard dismiss, not called continuously

When to unsubscribe from a NSNotification in a UIView

Remove Observer when using addObserverForName:usingBlock

ios nsnotifications

NSNotificationCenter: Do objects receive notifications on the same thread they are posted?

Why is my NSNotification its observer called multiple times?