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New posts in nsnotificationcenter

Observer never gets removed from NSNotificationCenter

ios nsnotificationcenter

NSManagedObjectContext: performBlockAndWait vs performBlock with notification center

Reachability change notification should be called only once

-[NSNotificationCenter postNotificationName:object:] Can I pass nil for object?

Is there a way to check if observer listens to some NSNotification?

Any notification on didRegisterForRemoteNotificationsWithDeviceToken?

Method handler for received Notification crashes the application. :(

Swift 2 addObserver for specific textField with the object parameter

Objective-C Automatic Reference Counting (ARC) and Key-Value Observing

Can NSNotificationCenter be used between different apps to communicate?

ios nsnotificationcenter

Obj-c NSNotificationCenter Bad Access

Cannot receive NSWorkspaceDidWakeNotification in Swift OS X

ios 6.0.1 ALAssetsLibraryChangedNotification, trying to understand what's being sent

New location of the Notification Center .db file in 10.10?

Class as NSNotification observer?

Logging NSNotifications

NSNotificationCenter Swift 3.0 on keyboard show and hide

Removing a NSNotificationCenter observer in iOS 5 ARC

NSNotification order of observer notifications

How to write Keyboard notifications in Swift 3