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How could a distributed queue-like-thing be implemented on top of a RBDMS or NOSQL datastore or other messaging system (e.g., rabbitmq)?

MongoDB group with multiple id

python mongodb nosql

Is it possible to implement Multi-Version Concurrency Control (MVCC) on top of MongoDB?

How to validate presence and regex format in rails controller?

Neo4j instead of relational database

AWS Dynamodb: Is it possible to make a query only using sort key

Polymorphism in databases

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MongoDB extracting values from BasicDBObject (Java)

java mongodb nosql

What is HBase compaction-queue-size at all?

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Elastic search alphabetical sorting based on first character

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To CouchDB or not to?

Why are relational databases unsuitable for unstructured data?

Many to Many with Mongoose

Is there a Comparison of NoSQL Solutions (Which is better in certain situations?) [closed]

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Best (NoSQL?) DB for small docs/records, unchanging data, lots of writes, quick reads?

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Mongos authentication

How to achieve localisation with NoSQL

parsing localization nosql

Custom Field Design with C# and RavenDB