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Package.json for server and client

Why to you have to specify the type of the export (let, var, const...) in ES2015?

How to silence the detailed output logs of `npm install` command?

TypeScript cannot find node module with index.d.ts

typescript node-modules

Gatsby Failed Build - error "window" is not available during server side rendering

Cannot get "npm install -g" to work on any packages (AppData/Roaming/npm always empty)

Not able to run angular app due to ɵɵinject & ɵɵdefineInjectable (Getting error at compile time)

share node_modules directory between multiple projects

Typescript can not find locally linked module?

How to handle shared dependencies when sharing components between multiple applications in a monorepo

npm audit fix: 1 high severity vulnerability: Arbitrary File Overwrite

NodeJS v12 re-enable TLS 1.1, and 1.0

Cannot use JSX with nodejs ESM module loader

Unable to load a react module as node module

internal/modules/cjs/loader.js:584 issue

npm node-modules