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New posts in nib

Convert NIB to XIB without Interface Builder

xcode4 nib

calling initWithNibName doesn't initialize items in the nib, it has 0x0

Xcode 7.3 can't create xib with for UIView / UITableViewCell together

ios xcode uitableview xib nib

Issues with AutoLayout with Custom Views defined in NIB file and used in StoryBoard

ios storyboard nib autolayout

Xcode "-[UIViewController _loadViewFromNibNamed:bundle:] loaded the nib but the view outlet was not set." error

iphone xcode xcode4 xib nib

User defined runtime attributes (IBInspectable) set after pre-defined attributes?

Get Nib name/What exactly is a nib?

ios swift nib

If you have an IBOutlet, but not a property, is it retained or not?

Views are mirrored in RTL languages

Error when validating iOS App

ios xcode app-store nib

IBOutlets are nil on iOS 8 devices, but work fine on iOS 9 (Swift)

Loading a UIView subclass from NIB size issues

Do I lose performance by using .xib files to provide an iPhone app's GUI?

iOS - UIActivityIndicator causing "Hides when stopped but is neither hidden or animating" warning

Why doesn't initWithNibName work for my UIViewController subclass?

How to convert a NIB-based project to a Storyboard-based? [closed]

ios xcode storyboard nib

iOS Storyboards/NIBs low-level anatomy. How are they implemented?

Hiding some views in the interface builder

ios xcode xcode5 xib nib

How to replace RootViewController in "Navigation-based application"

Crash on [[NSBundle mainBundle] loadNibnamed:owner:options:] [duplicate]

iphone xcode uitableview nib