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New posts in nhibernate-mapping

An association from the table Y refers to an unmapped class: Y - C# NHibernate

NHibernate ConventionModelMapper; What is the difference between IsRootEntity & IsEntity

NHibernate navigators mapped to the part of a composite key problem - legacy database usage

Class com.fasterxml.jackson.datatype.joda.deser.DateTimeDeserializer has no default (no arg) constructor

How can I map to a joined subclass with a different column than the id of parent?

Map foreign key in Fluent NHibernate without object property

Delete throws "deleted object would be re-saved by cascade"

Mapping custom enum classes with Fluent Nhibernate

NHibernate "illegal access to loading collection" error


Duplicates when eager fetching a reference (many-to-one)

How can I use Fluent NHibernate Automapping with multiple Lists of the same type in an Entity?

NHibernate: One base class, several mappings

nhibernate does not cascade delete children

Inner or Right Outer Join in Nhibernate and Fluent Nhibernate on Many to Many collection

Converting string to double in fluent-nhibernate mapping

How can I use Fluent NHibernate to discriminate on a column of a parent relationship

How to allow auto-imports="true" when we use Nhibernate 3.2's mapping by code?

NHibernate: deleted object would be re-saved by cascade. Replace object and remove old one

Fluent nHibernate Join is doing insert into joined table