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Table Per Subclass Inheritance mapping by NHibernate Mapping-by-Code

NHibernate Mapping By Code Cascade All-Delete-Orphans

How to write mappings for a stored procedure

NHibernate with mapping by code and a SQLite database: saving many-to-one parent-child entities, child gets a null foreign key

How to map ntext using NHibernate Mapping-By-Code feature of NHibernate 3.2?

nHibernate 3.2 database config in code?

Using NHibernate mapping by code: Cannot insert explicit value for identity column in table 'DietUser' when IDENTITY_INSERT is set to OFF

NHibernate - Force escaping on Table Names

FluentNHibernate or port to NHibernate mapping by code

Using a Property mapping with a Formula in NHIbernate

NHibernate 3.2 many to many mapping by code

Generating Wrong Columns on Queries

Getting started with NHibernate 3.2 Loquacious API