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New posts in networkstream

NetworkStream, is there something similar to DataReceived for a SerialPort? (C#)

Most efficient way of reading a BinaryFormatter serialized object from a NetworkStream?

How to place a delimiter in a NetworkStream byte array?

c# .net networkstream

C# BinaryReader.ReadChar throws "System.ArgumentException: The output char buffer is too small" when reading NetworkStream

Is TcpClient BeginRead/Send thread safe?

Why does the stream not support the seek operation?

c# networkstream

NetworkStream.DataAvailable vs. TcpClient.Available

c# tcpclient networkstream

Read line from byte array (not convert byte array to string)

Operation not allowed on non-connected Sockets - C# 4.0

c# .net-4.0 tcp networkstream

What is the correct way to close a TCP connection

c# tcp networkstream

Difference between NetworkStream.Read() and NetworkStream.BeginRead()?

C# - To close a NetworkStream, call stream.Close or socket.Shutdown?

Understanding the NetworkStream.EndRead()-example from MSDN

How I can play streaming audio over Ethernet in Qt?

How do you wait for a Network Stream to have data to read?

Why would BufferedStream.Write throw "This stream does not support seek operations"?

What is the current standard of practice to implement an async socket client?

C# NetworkStream.Read oddity

C# - TcpClient - Detecting end of stream?

Get Length of Data Available in NetworkStream