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How can I get the "Latency" of a process that has a TCP connection open?

c# networking

How can I get the iPhone's current network speed?

How can I send a datagram with an Ethernet trailer?

networking ethernet

Relay/Send through NAT in Python

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network load and interarrival time

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How does Apple's "DVD or CD Sharing" protocol work?

iOS Bonjour Over the Internet

ios networking bonjour

iPhone 3G / WiFi Connection

iphone networking wifi 3g

Reliable UDP Protocol Implementation in Java - Why does this happen?

java networking udp queue rudp

System.IO.IOException exception when attempting to end thread

Netty - How to pass information between handlers in the same pipeline

java networking nio netty

org.mortbay.jetty.EofException gets thrown when writing to response

Map network drive: "net.exe USE" vs WshNetwork.MapNetworkDrive?

c# windows networking

Java network game: How to list available servers?

SSL Identity Certificate to run an HTTPS Server on iOS

ios networking ssl https

Xinetd disable stderr redirection

How to deal with purgeIdleCellConnections on 3G network?

iphone ios networking 3g

What data-structure/algorithm will allow me to send a list of key/value dictionaries using the least amount of bits?

Is there a way to detect what kind of connection I'm using ? WiFi, 3G or Ethernet?

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Why Beacon needed when there is probe response

networking wireless wifi