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New posts in nested-generics

Why wouldn't C# support generics of generics (generics with parameterized types)?

Self-Referencing Generics in Java

What do nested generics in C# mean?

c# generics nested-generics

Generic java class that stores comparables

Java nested wildcard bound types multiple times or as generic type parameter

Java - issue initializing class with type parameters

Failing to compile correlated Java Generics parameters with wildcards

C# foreach on IEnumerable<IList<object>> compiles but shouldn't

c# generics nested-generics

Higher order (or recursive?) generic type parameters in kotlin

Generics Puzzler

Why these generics don't compile in OpenJDK7, but do in OpenJDK6

Please help me understand polymorphism when using generics in c#

Swift 3.1 Nested Generics Bug with Cyclic Metadata

Recursive Generic and Fluent Interface

Higher-order type functions in TypeScript?

Why aren't type constraints part of the method signature?

Nested Type Parameters in Java

Can I pass a complex type structure in Java generics?

Nested generic syntax ambiguity >>

c# lexer nested-generics

Java Generics: assignment with nested wildcard parameters