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New posts in nested-attributes

nested form objects fails validation complaining of missing parent_id

Nested attributes not showing up in simple form

Rails 3 - nested model - has_many - jquery file upload

Best_In_Place inline edits with nested attributes

Rails 3.2 - accepts_nested_attributes_for and join models

Error messages of nested attributes's required field are not displayed

nested drop down box and multi-select box based on each drop down in rails?

Create and update with nested models using strong parameters Rails

Destroy method not firing to destroy nested resource in complex form

Suppress "base" in error text for custom validation of Rails nested attributes

Can reject_if be used to reject a nested resource if all fields except one is blank?

Plural for fields_for has_many association not showing in view

What's the difference between using nested routes vs. accepts_nested_attributes_for?

specifying a correct path for Show and Edit actions for nested resources

Rails polymorphic link for nested index action

Rails, creating associated records along with parent object?

Rails4: How to trigger the callback for attr_accessor while using accepts_nested_attributes_for

accepts_nested_attributes_for: What am I doing wrong

Ruby on Rails - nested attributes: How do I access the parent model from child model

Rails nested has_one: cannot delete existing record