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external file to hold msbuild tasks

How do I pass build number from Nant back to Cruise Control

How do I pass a value from cc.net to build-script? ccnet.config->xx.build

cruisecontrol.net nant

FailOnError does not work in custom NAnt task

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MSDeploy all configuration [.config files] in one package

NAnt MVC publish website

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MsBuild: Do not compile referenced project

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How to run NUnit v2.4.8 tests with NAnt 0.86 beta?

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How to do an IF/ELSE in NANT 0.91?


NAnt and dual platform build - best way to build on Windows AND Mono/Linux

calling batch files inside nant

batch-file nant

How to check in NAnt script whether property is set or not?

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How do I save NAnt log output to a file?

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nAnt Deleting files older than 7 days old

nant delete-file fileset

Setting debug=false in web.config as part of build

Is it possible to read cookie/session value while executing PHP5 script through command prompt?

php command-line command nant

Build deployment using CruiseControl.net

.net cruisecontrol.net nant

building .net applications without Visual Studio

How to Set the Working Directory in NAnt?

How to change one line in a file using NAnt?

.net nant