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New posts in nancy

Configure NancyFx with Fluent Validation

When do you really need async on a web framework?

Does NancyFX support static content caching via the ETag and Last-Modified headers?

JSON body is not deseralized by NancyModule

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How to display my 404 page in Nancy?

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Does Nancy.ViewEngines.Razor v0.12.1.0 support Layout views amd _ViewStart?

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How can I pass a SSL certificate to Nowin when using Nancy

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How do I access Nancy's CurrentUser property from within a Razor view?

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Nancy: how do I capture all requests irrespective of verb or path

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NancyFX reflect changes immediately for static contents

Localization in Nancy without the razor viewengine

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Getting CORS To Work With Nancy

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How to pass a model to a Razor view from Nancy

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Is there an automated way to document Nancy services?

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How can I authenticate against Active Directory in Nancy?

Test driving Nancy Modules

unit-testing nancy

NancyFX: Routes with query string parameters always returns a 404 NotFound

.net query-string nancy

Model-bind POST with Array of objects in NancyFx

Why are no query parameters being passed to my NancyFX module?

c# nancy

Nancy: Serving static content (e.g. index.html) from "/"?

c# nancy