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New posts in naming-conventions

What is the J in JFrame?

Functions or methods?

Does there exist a standard name for the following function?

In MATLAB, what ASCII characters are allowed to be in a function name?

Confused about standard identifier naming

c# naming-conventions

What is your system for avoiding keyword naming clashes?

(Conventions) C# Class names

Better name for a method than "isThis()"

variable name for the last part of a phone number

SQL - naming of ID columns

Good name for the opposite of the "canary" metaphor [closed]

Setting attribute from model without using self doesn't work

Who "invented" i,j,k as integer counter variable names? [duplicate]

Prefixing abstract classes with "A" like interfaces are prefixed with "I"?

.net naming-conventions

Why Java uses convention of this.member? [closed]

are there tutorials on how to name variables?

Is it OK for Xcode project names to contains dashes? Are underscores preferred?

xcode naming-conventions