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New posts in mutual-exclusion

Peterson Lock in a binary tree

Why all the interrupts must be disabled during semaphore operations?

If mutual exclusion is guaranteed, say with semaphores, is a program deadlock-free?

Making pthread_rwlock_wrlock recursive

What's the best linux kernel locking mechanism for a specific scenario

Can Test and Set be implemented in software without hardware support?

C++ atomics: how to allow only a single thread to access a function?

C#: How to prevent two instances of an application from doing the same thing at the same time?

c# .net mutex mutual-exclusion

Bounded-waiting Mutual Exclusion with test and set

Critical Section in JavaScript or jQuery

Cassandra mutual exclusion locking (synchronization)

How do I make a Python function with mutually exclusive arguments?

Handling mutual exclusion in C++11

Spin unreached in proctype "-end-"

Difference Between Monitor & Lock?

Why empty critical section within netfilter hooks, occurs `BUG: scheduling while atomic error`?

Postgres constraint for unique datetime range

Mutually exclusive regular expressions

regex mutual-exclusion

How to create mutually exclusive table columns

What's the best way to make sure only one instance of a Perl program is running?