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New posts in multidimensional-array

How do I compute the linear index of a 3D coordinate and vice versa?

multi dimensional array sorting by string

Python: Iterating lists with different amount of dimensions, is there a generic way?

Remove duplicates from an array based on object property?

how to return two dimensional char array c++?

What's the cleanest way to get a checksum of a multidimensional array?

Very Basic Numpy array dimension visualization

Skip and Limit on nested array element

Print `numpy.ndarray` on a single line

Ruby getting the diagonal elements in a 2d Array

Converting 2 dimensional array to Single dimensional in C#?

if without condition?

How can I push_back data in a 2d vector of type int

How can I find the maximum or minimum of a multi-dimensional matrix in MATLAB? [duplicate]

Read flat list into multidimensional array/matrix in python

How to get rows and columns count of a 2D array in Java? [duplicate]

More efficient way to check neighbours in a two-dimensional array in Java

Associative arrays and Java

How to preserve original unique array keys while using array_chunk?

Python - best way to set a column in a 2d array to a specific value