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How do you read Roles/Permissions using MSAL-ANGULAR

Azure AD B2C Not Returning Refresh Tokens

MSAL token expires after 1 hour

access token / refresh token with MSAL


MSAL.js acquireTokenSilent on Azure AD B2C with Microsoft Account (login.live.com) framebusting

Invoking MSAL sign in from static HTML page

msal.js angular 6 SPA callback and errors handling

passport-azure-ad veriy msal.js token with Bearer Strategy

MSAL and Azure AD: What scopes should I pass when I just want to get the user ID?

Can Azure AD (work) accounts be used with Azure B2C? Is that a bad idea? [closed]

msal.js 2.0 tokenResponse null after loginRedirect

azure-ad-b2c msal msal.js

How to open Android Outlook application from an external one

Microsoft Authentication Library (MSAL) never returns from AcquireTokenAsync() on Android

Authentication on angular spa using msal.js

Microsoft graph return "access token is empty"

Login redirect a user with Azure AD B2C from an Angular application and msal.js

Using MSAL.js in SPA for Azure B2C Authentication - Pop up window an issue?