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passport-azure-ad veriy msal.js token with Bearer Strategy

Im trying to integrate msal.js library(https://github.com/AzureAD/microsoft-authentication-library-for-js) with passport-azure-ad (https://github.com/AzureAD/passport-azure-ad) Bearer Strategy.

My configurations are as follows: Msal.js

    authority: 'https://login.microsoftonline.com/<tennant>',
    clientID: '<clientId>',
    graphScopes: ['user.read', 'Group.Read.All'],


const config = {
    identityMetadata: 'https://login.microsoftonline.com/<tennant>/v2.0/.well-known/openid-configuration',

    clientID: '<clientId>',

    validateIssuer: false,

    passReqToCallback: false,

    issuer: 'https://login.microsoftonline.com/<tennant>/v2.0',

    audience: '<clientId>',

    allowMultiAudiencesInToken: false,

    loggingNoPII: false,

On the frontend i get through login flow and auire token using

const token = await this.userAgentApplication.acquireTokenSilent(applicationConfig.graphScopes);

Then I make request to endpoint protected by passport-azure-ad Bearer Strategy and get

authentication failed due to: In Strategy.prototype.jwtVerify: cannot verify token

I also did logging inside library and it says:

Error: invalid signature

My decoded token looks as follows:

{ header:
   { typ: 'JWT',
     alg: 'RS256',
     x5t: '-sxMJMLCIDWMTPvZyJ6tx-CDxw0',
     kid: '-sxMJMLCIDWMTPvZyJ6tx-CDxw0' },
   { aud: 'https://graph.microsoft.com',
     iat: 1551307920,
     nbf: 1551307920,
     exp: 1551311820,
     acct: 0,
     acr: '1',
     amr: [ 'pwd', 'mfa' ],
     app_displayname: '<app_name>',
     appid: '<app_id>',
     appidacr: '0',
     family_name: 'Doe',
     given_name: 'John',
     ipaddr: '',
     name: 'John, Doe',
     oid: '<user_id>',
     onprem_sid: 'S-1-5-21-3948687051-3486659006-1268634143-1873835',
     platf: '14',
     puid: '10030000AA097172',
     scp: 'Group.Read.All Mail.Send openid profile User.Read email',
     sub: 'Q_fJMajGxqk9S6ggyDN6IGunN_aIhsWhnvLPQIxlT5Q',
     tid: '<tennant>',
     unique_name: 'John Doe',
     upn: '[email protected]',
     uti: 'Cwf6-Fmm-EGXjPDh_iEHAA',
     ver: '1.0',
     xms_st: { sub: 'XTqgFukoz-mbW2mjPHiJoWqhRQZ_SKUIdHRaitfM3co' },
     xms_tcdt: 1386664440 },
   'pg6MiFrvJ3oimdCrnWKsf_DEth7RULJpmMH0P3Z-DtK4CO2865TxrnCaGwnkpXrcgokxDgmk3d5cOi-Y5tAlxx87Yd_KcBITq_M3lQM8aUeXPire4bqYG8OKgkvpHRVgYumaMgaHlm1w7FZjSq4lnGn919VVucqe4rkyxvQlyxWLxG4lfUC2RD5ighhg0GeEwQkkl2Y5YManCn96b-8vTkXHE__VxHJXwBJpesDK2KtzCmuEcM8yg4zyvxuY_GDs2lGWdza-ELSMTXxce3RfzUaLAnNt3dMYkN-2wmROB5TuRMafY7D8FCEd-RmtxC1_-ASE-AEwafA9JxLl4j0Ikw' }

I tried to integrate with adal.js(https://github.com/AzureAD/azure-activedirectory-library-for-js) and succeded, but I can't use token it gives me to call graph api on behalf of user(https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/graph/auth-v2-user).

I also tried to use client id token which I get from localStorage

const idToken = localStorage.getItem(Constants.idTokenKey);

It works for a while, but this idToken isn't refresed when I call getTokenSilent, so it stops working after some time.

I'm preety much confused what should I do now so any help would be greatly appreciated!

like image 976
ruciu Avatar asked Feb 27 '19 23:02


3 Answers

I had similar issue too and I got it working.

In my case, I'm using web(msal) and android(ionic - msadal), both, to generate token and get it verified using node(passport). The major issue is, passport expects v2 access token while you get v1 using your msal/msadal.

You can make it rectified by passing:


in authority uri (msal/msadal) and identityMetadata (passport)

and, setting:

"accessTokenAcceptedVersion": 2, instead of null, in azure portal > app registrations > your app > manifest.

like image 171
Gaurav Gupta Avatar answered Nov 19 '22 01:11

Gaurav Gupta

Did anyone fix this in the end?

I had exactly the same error. For me it was a config issue, specifically at the client MSAL end and scopes. I was trying to communicate with a custom WebAPI and I was passing the wrong scopes. This solved my issue:

'Invalid Signature' error for Access Token (azure active directory / msal js)

Hopefully this helps someone.


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Mathias Avatar answered Nov 19 '22 00:11


By default a newly created Azure AD application registration contains API permissions for the Microsoft Graph API in the form of the User.Read permission type. If you have no intention of calling Microsoft's Graph API, this permission needs to be removed otherwise the issued access token will be a v1.0 token rather than a v2.0 token which passport-azure-ad expects.

You will also need to follow the steps as outlined above by Gaurav Gupta https://stackoverflow.com/a/60967402/6772215

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Adrian Zielonka Avatar answered Nov 19 '22 01:11

Adrian Zielonka