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Error installing moodle. Dataroot location is not secure and Parent directory (/var) is not writeable.

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Upload courses to Moodle via FTP

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How to manually create a user in Moodle?

Where are the log files located in Moodle?

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Understanding Moodle $context

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Getting information from the Moodle API as a student

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Video.js not working in Safari (CODE:4 MEDIA_ERR_SRC_NOT_SUPPORTED)

Moodle Editing Templates

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Magento and Moodle Integration

base64_encode and serialize php function params

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Convert VBScript to Javascript

PHP xmlrpc extension and MAMP

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Composer hangs on "Resolving dependencies on SAT" between Moodle and Laravel used as a local plugin

Create Moodle activities programmatically

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AAPT: error: resource android:attr/fontVariationSettings not found

Single Sign On in Moodle with external login form

R/exams: Open-ended questions with exams2moodle

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How to define a custom block regions in moodle theme designing?

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How to include external JavaScript on my Moodle page?

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