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Sorting in mongo sharding environments degrades performance

How to disable Mongoid inheritance? (Ingore _type field)

ruby-on-rails mongoid

What's the best tutorial for doing geospatial queries with Rails/Mongoid? [closed]

Mongoid: 'update_attribute' with [models, ...] vs with [model_ids, ...]

ruby-on-rails rspec mongoid

mongoid inheritance problem

Dynamic fields with Rails 3

Find count of maximum consecutive records based on one field in Mongodb Query

mongodb mapreduce mongoid

Does anybody have any tips for managing polymorphic nested resources in Rails 3?

single table inheritance with embeds_one mogoid

Symbols used as Hash keys get converted to Strings when serialized

Month pagination with kaminari

rails semi-complex STI with ancestry data model planning the routes and controllers

What are the tradeoffs of using mongoid's has_and_belongs_to_many with inverse_of


What is the correct way of maintaining indices for Sunspot Solr?

solr indexing mongoid sunspot

why can't I raise Mongoid::Errors::DocumentNotFound in RSpec functional testing?

Mongoid: How to implement a relationship between embedded documents?

ruby mongoid

Is there a way for mongoid to use integer(number) as a default id rather than long hash value?

ruby-on-rails ruby mongoid

Ruby + Mongoid: how to make a required field?

mongoid - querying embedded docs

Mongoid: Creating many objects with a single call