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Good solution for tagging in Rails with MongoID [closed]

Rails 3.1 Mongoid has_secure_password

Rails module with Mongoid

Mongo: how to sort by external weight

Mongoid named scope comparing two time fields in the same document

Mongoid - how to get second record?

Get the object with the max value of a field [Mongoid]

how to return mongo id as string in json response

Rails + MongoID - Querying by attribute

Mongoid where vs find when using id as criteria

Moped: get id after inserting

mongodb mongoid moped

Is Rails 3 removing Metal?

How do I deal with dequeue connection timeouts in rails/mongoid?

Two 1 - N relations in Mongoid (Rails)

Connecting to two databases Mongoid

Mongodb change ObjectID or _id attribute for a document?

ruby mongodb mongoid

How to get print output for debugging map/reduce in Mongoid?

MongoDB service not working after upgrade to Ubuntu 15.04

validates_uniqueness_of by two fields

ruby mongodb mongoid

Find all the mongoid model names in my application

ruby-on-rails-3 mongoid