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New posts in mongodb-.net-driver

MongoDB C# Driver -- Create Index

Is there a way to automatically make MongoDB C# Driver not to throw an EndOfStreamExceptionwhen the primary server goes down?

how to select nested documents in mongodb?

save an object with a bidirectional relationship in mongodb using official c# driver

Ignore a property when saving a POCO in MongoDB, but not ignoring it when serializing to JSON

MongoDB Custom Serializer to avoid _t being added collection, throws ReadEndArray Error?

How can I 'AND' multiple $elemMatch clauses with C# and MongoDB?

MongoDB FilterDefinition & IQueryable in C#

How to simply perform a update/replace many documents operation in MongoDb

MongoDB C# connections/disconnections (Official driver)

MongoDB: Disposing a cursor

Manually supplying arguments to a MongoDB query to support collation feature (for case insensitive index)

What is the optimum bulk item count with InsertBatch method in mongodb c# driver?

How to use $ positional operator in MongoDB C# driver version 2

Strange behavior of MongoDB LINQ provider for fields called "id"

How to test that a string field in a MongoDB document is not empty?