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New posts in minimagick

What does the token "$$" mean in Ruby?

ruby minimagick

Retrieving the hex code of the color of a given pixel


Errno::ENOENT when uploading an image using Carrierwave and MiniMagick

Carrierwave resize is not working (Rails 3 and MiniMagick)

Tesseract not reading certain numbers

ruby ocr tesseract minimagick

mini_magick thumbnail with gravity center

ruby imagemagick minimagick

How to decode base64 image file with mini_magick in Rails?

Specifying geometry for a composite with mini_magick

How to crop image on upload with Rails, Carrierwave and Minimagick?

Get image dimensions using Refile

Carrierwave + MiniMagick - How to squash animated GIFs to their first frame?

Can not allocate memory

FloatDomainError (Infinity)

No such file or directory - identify with Mini Magick

How to resize images before uploading with Active Storage (linked with AWS)

After replacing Rmagick with Minimagick, gets 'identify.im6: no decode delegate for this image format' error

Where do the temp files go when using MiniMagick in a Ruby on Rails app?

ruby-on-rails minimagick

Unable to crop image using mini_magick
