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New posts in mime-types

JSON file generated by PHP has application/octet-stream mime type

php json mime-types

Accessing Apache's Mime-Type to Extension Mapping

php apache mime-types

PHP 5.3.5 fileinfo() MIME Type for MS Office 2007 files - magic.mime updates?

php mime-types detection

Is there a MIME type that tells browsers "don't try to detect the type, just display as text"?

http mime-types

Render video content from a Grails controller

File Mime Type Checking

Sending email using email.mime.multipart in Python

python email mime-types

What is the mime type to use for JSON Web Encryption

json mime-types rfc jwe

dropzone.js - acceptedMimeTypes

Rails 5 broke send_file method?

Tomcat 8.0 - mime-mapping & content-type

Android - how to only show(or able to select) files with a custom extension when calling "file selector" using Intent.ACTION_GET_CONTENT

Java library or text file that maps mime types to nice human friendly file types

java text types mime-types

PHP mime type standardization

php mime-types

application/plain MIME type for text?

text mime-types mime

Chrome interpreting jpg resource as Document

What is the MIME type for properties files?

java properties mime-types

Multipart upload form: Is order guaranteed?

can't get iis7 to gzip font-face font files

gzip font-face mime-types