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New posts in migration

When (if) to consolidate ActiveRecord migrations?

Laravel migrations nice way of disabling foreign key checks

php laravel migration

What's the best way to migrate a Django DB from SQLite to MySQL?

Migrations in Entity Framework in a collaborative environment

Is it possible to change column index in rails 3 migration?

How do I run CodeIgniter migrations?

How do I split the output from mysqldump into smaller files?

mysql migration

What is the best way to resolve Rails orphaned migrations?

Strategy for developing namespaced and non-namespaced versions of same PHP code

Is it worth using sqlalchemy-migrate ? [closed]

Best way to automagically migrate tests from JUnit 3 to JUnit 4?

java junit migration

Using Rails Migration on different database than standard "production" or "development"

Calling 32bit Code from 64bit Process

How are you planning on handling the migration to Python 3?

Decimal to Double conversion in Swift 3

Model.reset_column_information does not reload columns in rails migration

How do :default => 0 and :null => false differ for integer fields in migrations?

Rake db:migrate - how do I undo all migrations and redo them

Rails Migration: How to increase column data type size by using ROR migration

Execute a Rake task from within migration?