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New posts in mifare

Locking mechanism of Mifare Classic 1K

Mifare Ultralight: lock specific pages

How to send APDU to Mifare Classic 1k card?

Recover sector in Mifare Classic 1k with overwritten permission bits

nfc mifare

Android NFC communication with Mifare DESFire EV1

Starting app when MIFARE Classic is detect with Android NFC

Why doesn't Android HCE support Mifare Classic type?

NFC used as mifare, is it possible?

nfc mifare

How mature is the Android NFC ISODep support?

DESFire EV1 card emulation

How to interpret NDEF content on Mifare Classic 1K

android nfc mifare ndef tlv

Send APDU command to card through HID OMNIKEY 5427 CK

Is it possible to implement a token queue in NFC cards?

Is it possible to lock command, protect cloning or not erasable by other app for MIFARE card 1k

java android mifare

how to know if tag is present?

android nfc intent-filter to show my application when nfc discover a tag

Get UID of Mifare Ultralight with SCL010

ATR command when programming PC/SC reader

Android HCE: are there rules for AID?

android nfc mifare apdu hce

NXP has Java Cards?