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New posts in microsoft-fakes

TFS 2012 + VS 2013 + Microsoft Fakes compile issue (only during TFSBuild)

Microsoft Fakes x64 not x86 and v4.5

Does Microsoft Fakes support abstract methods on a shim?

c# abstract microsoft-fakes

Running a test using Shims on a Visual Studio 2013 Test Agent

Moles/Fakes: How do I implement a test setup?

Microsoft Fakes generates UnitTestIsolationException

How do microsoft fakes' shims actually work internally?

How does one refer to a stub which has a generic parameter of itself using Microsoft Fakes?

.Net Fakes - How to shim an inherited property when the base class is abstract?

Fakes assembly is not generating

Can not instantiate proxy of class. Could not find a parameterless constructor

MSBuild 15 - The type or namespace 'Fakes' does not exist in the namespace

c# msbuild microsoft-fakes

ShimNotSupportedException when running tests from MSTest or Resharper

Error "The extern alias 'snh' was not specified in a /reference option " in a C# test project using Microsoft Fakes

Microsoft Fakes & TFS 2012 Visual Studio Test Runner - unit test fail sporadically

Visual Studio Community Edition and Fakes Framework?