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New posts in micronaut

What is the most cost-effective way to run a Java based API back-end (Spring Boot, Micronaut, Quarkus) on GCP?

GraalVM native-image jvm metrics

Can you alter a Micronaut App features from the command line?


Micronaut controller error Page Not Found


How do I resolve error "No bean of type [io.micronaut.data.operations.PrimaryRepositoryOperations] exists" in micronaut application?

micronaut micronaut-data

Multiple get request parameters @PathVariable and @RequestAttribute with Micronaut?


Can I use spring data jpa with Micronaut?

How do you run micronaut from gradle with local properties

gradle micronaut

How can I install Micronaut CLI?


How do I read application properties in Micronaut?


Is Micronaut Data with R2DBC a more scalable approach than classical “one thread per connection” model Micronaut Data JDBC

Micronaut data : No backing RepositoryOperations configured for repository

micronaut micronaut-data

Swagger for Micronaut with maven

maven swagger micronaut

How to configure Jackson to use SNAKE_CASE in Micronaut?

jackson micronaut

How can I configure the HTTP proxy for a Micronaut (1.1.4) HTTP client like the Spring Boot way?

java spring-boot micronaut

How to store JSON object into PostgreSQL using JSONB data type inside table and PostgreSQL JDBC driver

Failed to delete some children. This might happen because a process has files open or has its working directory set in the target directory

How to specify a profile in a Micronaut application?

Overriding a dependency in a Micronaut test

How to change default port(8080) of micronaut to something else?
