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How do you run micronaut from gradle with local properties

I want to run Micronaut server from Gradle command line with "local" environment variables. The regular command

.\gradlew.bat run

will use default variables defined in application.yml file. I want to override some of them with values for my local environment and therefore need to specify system property micronaut.environments=local to use overriding values from application-local.yml file.

.\gradlew.bat run -Dmicronaut.environments=local

The command above won't work as Gradle will take only -Dmicronaut for the system property and the rest ".environments=local" will be considered as another task name:

Task '.environments=local' not found in root project 'abc'

What would be the correct way to pass such system property to the java process?

like image 578
Aziris Avatar asked Jul 02 '19 10:07


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6. Running the Application. To run the application, use the ./gradlew run command, which starts the application on port 8080.

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2 Answers

Command below works for unix, probably it should work also for windows:


or use gradle wrapper

MICRONAUT_ENVIRONMENTS=local .\gradlew.bat run

P.S. also, you can find the same approach for Spring Boot

like image 127
tsarenkotxt Avatar answered Oct 16 '22 12:10


My approach is to add a gradle task.

task runLocal(type: JavaExec) {
   classpath = sourceSets.main.runtimeClasspath
   main = "dontdrive.Application"
   jvmArgs '-Dmicronaut.environments=local'

then start with:

./gradlew runLocal
like image 21
Ben Lucchesi Avatar answered Oct 16 '22 13:10

Ben Lucchesi