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New posts in microcontroller

How to use hardware NSS (SPI) on stm32f4?

Any tips for dealing with a very small stack?

Arduino/AVR ATmega microcontroller, random resets, jumps or variable/data corruption

What's the difference between an event and an interrupt in ARM Cortex?

arm microcontroller

What is the best way of sending the data to serial port?

Using STM32 HAL Timer and Adjusting the Duty Cycle of a PWM signal

clear code for counting from 0 to 255 using 8-bit datatype

c embedded microcontroller

Is there any C standard for microcontrollers?

Control a USB light via software

Can I make a function that accepts both ram and rom pointers in Microchip C18?

c pointers microcontroller pic

How to achieve zero duty cycle PWM in AVR without glitches?

Do you think you need some simple tutorials on Microcontroller programming?

embedded microcontroller

linear interpolation on 8bit microcontroller

Compile for ARM Cortex M3 using standard GCC?

What do the __CC_ARM, __ICCARM__, __GNUC__ and __TASKING__ macros mean?

STM32 wake up from standby by RTC

C++ for 8051 microcontroller?

Defending "U" suffix after Hex literals

c microcontroller

How to illustrate an interrupt-driven process?

"printf" in microcontroller, what is it for?