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optimizing simple Common Lisp gibbs sampler program

Difficulties on pymc3 vs. pymc2 when discrete variables are involved

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R : function to generate a mixture distribution

Speed up Metropolis--Hastings in Python

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MCMCglmm multinomial model in R

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pymc3: hierarchical model with multiple obsesrved variables

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Is it possible to run multiple chains with JAGS on multiple cores (subdividing chains)

ideal() in R package pscl not producing repeatable results

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Solving inverse problems with PyMC

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How to make a truncated normal prior: converting pymc2 to pymc3

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how to incorporate C or C++ code into my R code to speed up a MCMC program, using a Metropolis-Hastings algorithm

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Maximize a function with many parameters (python)

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Is Matlab (vs. C/FORTRAN) a respectable language for a professional mathematical researcher of the 21st century? [closed]

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Import a module with parameter in python

PyMC: Taking advantage of sparse model structure in Adaptive Metropolis MCMC