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New posts in maven-failsafe-plugin

Running a JUnit4 Test Suite in Maven using maven-failsafe-plugin

failsafe plugin won't run on one project but will run on another -- why?

Why failsafe plugin requires both integration-test and verify goals?

How can I use a JUnit RunListener in Eclipse?

Getting "Expecting a stackmap frame at branch target" when running Maven integration testing

Maven deploy multiple wars to embedded server for integration tests

Why doesn't "mvn verify" run my integration tests?

Where should the integration tests be stored when using the maven-failsafe-plugin?

How to get the full stacktrace of failed tests in failsafe?

TypeNotPresentExceptionProxy error at integration-test with maven-failsafe-plugin spring-boot 1.4

Using JUnit Categories with Maven Failsafe plugin

How to run integration test of a spring-boot based application through maven-failsafe-plugin?

Maven does not run integration tests using failsafe-plugin

Configuring maven-failsafe-plugin to find integration tests not in src/test/java

Maven Failsafe fails with java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError

maven-failsafe-plugin Failures and BUILD SUCCESS?

Maven Failsafe Plugin: how to use the pre- and post-integration-test phases

How to skip maven phase pre-integration-test if skipITs is set?

How do I detect my test is running on a Jenkins environment?

How do I run JUnit 5 integration tests with the Maven Failsafe plugin?