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Tooling for expressive, feature rich numeric computations on the JVM

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Replace certain elements of matrix with elements of another matrix [Matlab / Octave]

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Texture map for a 2D grid

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Matlab - How do I compare two strings letter by letter?

Extract several columns from 3d matrix

Creating a list of matrices [duplicate]


How to maximize a MATLAB figure to full screen? [duplicate]

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How to give different colors when I loop for plot in MATLAB?

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Grouping unique values in a vector and putting them in a matrix

How to integrate over a discrete 2D surface in MATLAB?

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Which function can I use in opencv as max() in matlab

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Matlab multiple variable assignments


Comparison of odeint's runge_kutta4 with Matlab's ode45

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Force evaluation of variables in MATLAB anonymous function

Matlab: How to generate 0x0 struct array?

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Add matrix to structure column without using for loop?

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Block diagonalize rows of a J-by-2 matrix


Speeding up ''ismember'' in Matlab

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Matconvnet error cl.exe not found