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New posts in mat-file

Save .mat file, use -v7.3 switch?

matlab mat-file

R: Help reading a particular .mat file into R

r matlab mat-file matlab-load

How to load large .mat files in python?

MATLAB is unable to load MAT-file created by Dymola

Read .mat file in Python. But the shape of the data changed

How to load cell array of strings in Matlab mat files into Python list or tuple using Scipy.io.loadmat

Verify .mat file exists and is not Corrupt - Matlab

Matlab API reading .mat file from c++, using STL container

How can I determine the version of a MAT file from MATLAB?

matlab mat-file

How to access fields in a struct imported from a .mat file using loadmat in Python?

Turn the dictionary keys into variable names with same values in Python from .mat Matlab files using scipy.io.loadmat

Is there any way to read MATLAB's .mat files in Perl?

perl matlab file-io mat-file

How can I load large files (~150MB) in MATLAB?

matlab memory file-io mat-file

Saving and loading Python dict with savemat results in error

python scipy mat-file

Write a MAT file without using matlab headers and libraries

java c++ matlab mat-file

MATLAB: Saving several variables to "-v7.3" (HDF5) .mat-files seems to be faster when using the "-append" flag. How come?

How to preserve matlab struct when accessing in python?

Python to MATLAB: exporting list of strings using scipy.io

How can I check the contents of a MAT-file in MATLAB without loading it?

matlab struct mat-file

Importing an array from matlab into R

r matlab file-io matrix mat-file