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Playframework app including a standalone main application

Why does static library contain a main function?

c++ static-libraries main

How many arguments does main() have in C/C++

c++ c main

can we have a main() in an interface and different implementations for main() in the classes that implement this interface?

java main overriding

Error: Main method not found in class Calculate, please define the main method as: public static void main(String[] args) [duplicate]

java methods main

Why main() cannot be declared as a static in C?

c function static main

How to get rid of SIGTERM error

iphone xcode4 main sigterm

Where does a Swift iOS application begin its life?

ios swift main lifecycle

React Native Android - Could not find or load main class org.gradle.wrapper.GradleWrapperMain

android main react-native

How do I make main a friend of my class from within a library?

Why are we allowed to have a final main method in java?

java static main final

Is main.cpp required?

c++ syntax main

"global main" in Assembly

assembly global main

Is main with parameter list of void different from main with an empty parameter list? [duplicate]

Can I have more than one class containing the main() method in a Java project?

java eclipse main

How is `int main(int argc, char* argv<::>)` a valid signature of main? [duplicate]

c++ c main

How do Java programs run without defining the main method?

java methods main

Call another function when main() exits

c main

Is it bad practice to have arguments called in main() in Python

python main

Is the main() function re-entrant?

c++ c main reentrancy