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New posts in lua

Why is LuaJIT's memory limited to 1-2 GB on 64-bit platforms?

lua luajit

How special is the global variable _G?

How do I clear the console in a Lua Program

lua console

Redis - Lua tables as return values - why is this not working

lua redis lua-table

Unable to find Lua headers with find_package in cmake

lua cmake

Why is Lua designed to generate intermediate opcodes?

lua vm-implementation

get current date and time in lua in redis

lua redis

How do I create a Lua Table in C++, and pass it to a Lua function?

c++ string map lua lua-table

Boolean to number in Lua

lua boolean

Does Lua make use of 64-bit integers?

How can I check if a lua table contains only sequential numeric indices?

Which characters are included in the Lua punctuation string pattern (%p)?

How to write a unicode symbol in lua

unicode lua

Lua table.getn() returns 0?

c lua

Concise description of the Lua vm?


What does LUA acronym stand for?


Lua: writing hexadecimal values as a binary file

lua hex

LuaL_openlibs() and sandboxing scripts

c++ c lua

Are scripts "open source" by definition? [closed]

scripting lua

Lua ""==true equals ""==false
