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Piece of Lua syntax that I don't understand

function syntax lua

D callbacks in C functions

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Assistance with Lua functions

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C & Lua: luaL_dostring return value

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What's the advantage of stack-less Python's microthread than Lua's coroutine in state machine implementation for game?

Nested tables and numerical keys in Lua

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How to improve Redis server's CPU usage?

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Lua functions -- a simple misunderstanding

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How to decrypt Lua bytecode?

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Build Lua 5.2.2 in Windows

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Lua Nested Table Getting Elements

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lua wireshark plugin dissector buffer length

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What does this pattern ^[%w-.]+$ mean in Lua?

lua lua-patterns

Check if a Lua table member exists at any level

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Lua functions use "self" in source but no metamethod allows to use them

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Lua unicode, using string.sub() with two-byted chars

string unicode utf-8 lua char

How to print out errors in the console with the C API for Lua

Lua C API: Initializing a variable matrix in a structure C

Lua Library for Jabber [closed]

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What is the alternation operator in Lua patterns?

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