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New posts in lua

What is happening when I call unpack() as lua's function arguments?

lua arguments

Lifetime of Lua userdata pointers

c++ lua lua-userdata

varags functions that return vargas lambdas lua

How to implement a basic Lua function in Conky?

Is it possible to consolidate multiple responses and send one response in NGINX

How to create a Wireshark dissector for a custom protocol, without the need to recompile Wireshark

what do 'load' do in Lua?

lua load

NewLine(\n) alternative in Lua?


lua_numbertointeger - why can we assume INT_MIN has an exact representation as a float?

c lua

Overhead of Mono Tasklet/Co-Routines

Can a function know whether it is running inside a coroutine?


Reboot a System through Lua Script


Lua: looking for an open source graphical interpreter / console / interactive shell [closed]

Serialize lua_State to sent over network

Corona SDK - Call an instance method or class method from an eventListener

lua coronasdk

lua - late call of class destructor

mocking out a lua module using package.preload

lua mocking

Operator overloading not working


Lua Setup error

lua ubuntu-12.04

Lua / Java / LuaJ - Handling or Interrupting Infinite Loops and Threads