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Lua: looking for an open source graphical interpreter / console / interactive shell [closed]

I'm looking for an open-source Lua interpreter (sometimes called a lua console or a lua shell) with the following features:
- Ability to write lua commands and see results
- Simple graphic UI - Auto-completion of global objects, class methods
- Ability to watch the value of global variables, packages, etc.
- If it comes integrated with script file editor or lua debugger it's even better...

Any ideas? Thanks!

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Uri Cohen Avatar asked Feb 23 '23 07:02

Uri Cohen

1 Answers

ZeroBrane Studio provides a Lua console (both local to execute commands in the IDE and remote to execute them in the context of the client application). You can also modify variables in the application and get values pretty printed (including complex hierarchical data). The IDE does come with the debugger, Stack and Watch views and auto-completion.

The code for the console is available on GitHub, but for remote execution it mostly relies on capabilities provided by the debugger (MobDebug). If you want to integrate something like this in your application, then the source file I referenced may be a good starting point.

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Paul Kulchenko Avatar answered May 07 '23 05:05

Paul Kulchenko