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New posts in look-and-feel

Is it possible to set different look and feel for different components?

java swing look-and-feel

How to get Java XP Look and Feel

java swing look-and-feel

Swing component default gradient background

not getting windows 7 native look and feel

Why do Java's GtkLookAndFeel Popups have no border?

java swing gtk look-and-feel

Customizing JTextField

Swing GUI does not show or show with errors when launched on Mac

Windows native File chooser in java

Skinning Java desktop applications?

altering JFileChooser behaviour : preventing "choose" on enter in file path JTextField

Change the JSlider look and feel

creating a nice GUI in WPF

How to make a window look like this in Java?

java swing look-and-feel

JFrame theme and appearance

How to change the look and feel of a single part of a java program

Mac OS X 10.10 (Yosemite) Java Swing Look and Feel?

Why does Windows LookAndFeel make fonts too small?

how to change java swing look and feel without application restart?

java swing look-and-feel

.NET MenuStrip with native Windows renderer?

JProgressBar: low values will not be displayed