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New posts in long-polling

PHP + Comet (long-polling) scaling / hosts

my own long polling implementation compared to facebook and gmail

jquery ajax comet long-polling

Does Meteor use SockJS as it's main browser-server communications mechanism?

How to do C# Ajax Comet via WebAPI2?

HTTP Long Polling in Swift

Implementing long polling with retrofit and kotlin channels

Comet (long polling) and XmlHttpRequest status

Longpolling vs Websockets [closed]

Recommended alternative to webkit for server-sent events on iOS [closed]

Nginx as a reverse-proxy while long-polling

php apache nginx long-polling

Implementing long polling in an asynchronous fashion

Long polling with Nancy Async Beta

How does Google Analytics Real Time work?

Is there a way for MySQL to wait for rows matching a condition to be inserted

Long-polling in Rails apps

Long-polling vs websocket when expecting one-time response from server-side

websocket long-polling

what's the skinny on long polling with ajax and webapi...is it going to kill my server? and string comparisons

MySQL trigger + notify a long-polling Apache/PHP connection

Django, Ajax long polling, Postgresql: idle transaction

Capturing event of client disconnecting! - Gevent/Python