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New posts in logback

Logback - cleanHistoryOnStart does not work

logging logback

Is there a way to log events from my Android application to Stackdriver with logback-android?

Logback - custom output for exceptions

Correct way to stop custom logback async appender

java logback aws-sdk appender

Springboot sending logs to fluentd not working

is_undefined directory error in logack with Spring Boot application

spring-boot logback

Can I set Spring Boot's log location programmatically?

view logback logs of my web application online (HTMLLayout)

logback layout

Double log files in spring boot application

How to use MDC logging with Java

java logging logback slf4j mdc

log4j to logback(migration)

org.slf4j.helpers.NOPLoggerFactory cannot be cast to ch.qos.logback.classic.LoggerContext

jboss7.x slf4j logback

Logback not working with hibernate

Spring Boot - set logging level of external jar which is using Java Util Logging (jul)

Wildfly8/jBoss wraps Logback logs (Double prefix)

java logback wildfly-8

How can I pass my logback.xml into my akka application as a system property?

scala maven jar akka logback

IntelliJ 14.1 logging output in xml