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New posts in log4net-configuration

Configure or extend log4net SmtpAppender with custom subjects

log4net with EventLogAppender doesn't log

Very simple file appender logging not working

Vs2010 using log4net with Intellisense

Exception when adding log4net config

Log4net appender threshold not working

How do I use a date pattern in a header/footer?

log4net filter - how to write AND filter to ignore log messages

Log4Net: Multiple loggers

How to create a file in the AppData folder using log4net

MSTest - How do I initialize log4net for a UnitTest project?

Log4net won't log to console (WinForms app)

How to write log4net config into appsettings.json?

Log4Net Multiple loggers

How to disable creation of empty log file on app start?

log4net - configure using multiple configuration files

log4net will not read from app.config

log4net initialisation

Why are all my log4net levels false?