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New posts in locale

Localizing the JFileChooser "All Files" string

java swing locale jfilechooser

How to get the script from a Locale object on Android?

How Do I use the formats in DateTime::Locale with a DateTime object?

perl datetime locale

Use arabic letters with arabic numbers

CentOS 7 Docker Image and locale compilation

docker locale centos7

How do I get the current "localized pattern" for the date and time of an std::locale

C: What is the portable/safe(thread aware) way to convert a number to a string w/o locale settings?

c locale glibc

Locale specific index characters

How do I add the new currency code to Java?

java jvm locale currency

How and why is string.isdigit() locale dependent?

python locale digit

How exactly does Java Scanner parse double?

Set locale properly to a JFileChooser

Is it bad that LANG and LC_ALL are empty when running `locale -a` on OS X Yosemite?

c macos locale

Change language on Firefox with Selenium Python

How to change locale to use Latin Serbian (instead of Cyrillic Serbian)

Why doesn't android recognize the locale as RTL when set programmatically?

What is a reliable way to change and then unchange the locale in R?

r locale

Locale-invariant string processing with strtod strtof atof printf?

c locale standard-library

Grails how to change the current locale

Python not sorting unicode properly. Strcoll doesn't help

python unicode locale