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New posts in local-class

static member variable inside a local class in c++?

c++ static local-class

Is there such a thing as a "local interface" in Java?

java interface local-class

Access problem in local class

c++ scope local-class

Is a local class dependent if declared within a function template?

Local Classes in C++

c++ local-class

Name lookup for local class members inside templates

Are Local class, Inner class and Nested class are the same things in C++?

Java. local classes is there any reason not to make it final?

java local-class

Why can't a struct defined inside a function be used as functor to std::for_each?

Retrieving class inside a method using reflection

Why field inside a local class cannot be static?

Why can't a std::vector take a local type?

c++ vector local-class

Local class can access non-final variable in java 8

java java-8 local-class

Why aren't static data members allowed in local classes?

Why generic lambdas are allowed while nested structs with templated methods aren't?

Member template in local class

Error "illegal generic type for instanceof" when using local classes

java generics local-class

Use of class definitions inside a method in Java

java class local-class