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How do the Scala based frameworks stack up for a complete Scala newbie - Lift, Play, Circumflex, etc [closed]

Why do people use _? as an identifier suffix?

scala lift

When to use Mapper or Record in Lift?

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What do the % and %% operators do when setting up SBT dependencies?

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Out of Memory Error Using SBT When Executing Lift Project

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OAuth 2.0 provider implementation for Scala/Lift

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Reverse AJAX (Comet) and Spring MVC vs. Scala/LIFT?

ORM for Lift: Mapper or JPA?

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Can you recommend a good shared hosting provider for a webapp made with Lift framework with Scala? [closed]

Why people define class, trait, object inside another object in Scala?

scala lift

Variable in attribute value of XML-literal

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How do you serialize a Map to JSON in Scala?

Frameworks comparation: Lift, Play and Wicket

Choosing a Scala web framework [closed]

PermGen problems with Lift and Jetty

Comparing Lift with Play2 [closed]

What are your experiences developing in Scala/Lift?

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Different Scala Actor Implementations Overview

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Is the Lift framework as "easy" as Ruby on Rails or Django?

why is the lift web framework scalable?