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New posts in lifetime

Lifetime issue with the Send trait

send rust lifetime

C++ for loop variable lifetime is weird

How do I use Serde to deserialize structs with references from a reader?

What does a scoped lifetime in rust actually mean?

rust lifetime

match of a temporary member does not live long enough [duplicate]

rust lifetime

Sharing read-only object between threads in Rust? [duplicate]

Undead objects ([basic.life]/8): why is reference rebinding (and const modification) allowed?

Rust "expected type" error prints mismatched types that are exactly the same

rust lifetime typechecking

Is there a way to tell the Rust's drop checker we effectively own a `T` without it being in generic parameters?

How do I specify a lifetime that is dependent on the borrowed binding of a closure in a separate type?

rust lifetime

Is there a way to obtain elided lifetime parameters from the Rust compiler?

Spawning tasks with non-static lifetimes with tokio 0.1.x

rust lifetime rust-tokio

Semantics of lifetime parameters