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Limit login attempts in Laravel 5.7

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How to Set Session Variable when User Login in Laravel

Laravel 5.5 validate with custom messages

PHP Unit, Testing laravel log messages with unit testing

How to extend or make custom PasswordBroker sendResetLink() method in Laravel 5.8?

Error when add CSRF token to Laravel form

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Laravel - joining 2 tables with OR operator

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How to set count items per page by default in Laravel 5 paginate


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Pagination in laravel 5 producing wrong link

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Laravel session Flash Message Not working

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Run composer dump-autoload from controller in laravel 5

Changing Laravel 5.4 password encryption and table column names

How to check if a variable has data in laravel blade

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Why doesn’t my Laravel project show the .env file on a Mac?


Starting the Laravel cron job on a Mac

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npm install Error: EACCES: permission denied, access '/var/www/html'

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